metadataDir.txt 20051208 Metadata documents on the WVGISTC ftp site Please refer to the authors and sources listed with the following resources. Hawaii_Quality_Metadata.ppt == Lynda Wayne , a metadata consultant for the FGDC developed this presentation for Sheil Shin, FGDC Metadata Coordinator, who presented it at the ESRI Federal User Conference (FedUC), 22 January 2004. IntroSpatialMetadata_brief.txt IntroSpatialMetadata_brief.pdf == Eric Hopkins created this document for the Introduction to Geospatial Metadata class presented on 9 June 2005. metadataSamples.jpg metadataSamples.pdf metadSampHTML.jpg metadSampText.jpg metadSampXML.jpg == Specific graphics extracted from the Introduction to Geospatial Metadata class presentation. wvgisMetadataTraining.ppt == This presentation formed the basis for the Introduction to Geospatial Metadata class presented on 9 June 2005. Compiled by: Eric Hopkins. wvgistcMetadaCD == The content descriptions appear in the general form of a directory tree. \pub\Clearinghouse\metadata\WVGISTCmetaTraining\wvgistcMetadaCD metadataResources.txt ==Description of the CD contents \csc.noaa == The NOAA Coastal Services Center provides a number of useful documents that may be read / downloaded from their website: A_Guide_to_the_Data_Elements.pdf A_Guide_to_Writing_Clearly_--_Handout.pdf A_Sample_Template_--_Handout.pdf \fgdcTrainingDocs == FGDC provides many reference and training resources for metadata creation. Their site is scheduled for a rebuild in 2005 / 2006 so be aware that some current items may move within the site or disappear altogether. The CSDGM (Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata) Workbook is especially important. Creating_Metadata_for_the_Long-term.ppt FGDC_GOS_Metadata.ppt Introduction_to_Metadata.ppt mand-if-applic-template.pdf Merging_Metadata_Standards_updated0904.ppt Quality_Metadata.ppt top10metadataerrors.pdf workbook_0501_bmk.pdf \sampleMetadata = The FEMA metadata template may be useful for other geospatial data sets. The source template provides examples of sources used for flood maps and data bases. metadata_template.doc FEMA_source_template.doc \software == The mp metadata parser application and it's companion cns pre-parser command line metadata utilities are used frequently to process matadata to ensure compliance with the CSDGM. Find mp and cns in the all_win.exe installer. For a user-friendly graphical user interface version of mp try mpBatch. The corpsmet95 application gives users a graphic means by which to populate the various metadata fields. DataLogr also uses a gui but it has some Minnesota-specific content in the template. XMLInput is yet another gui-based metadata utility. This one requires Java Run Time resources. NoteTab Lite is a user friendly text editor with several handy features, such as line / column indicators, word wrap, etc. all_win.exe corpsmet95_install.exe NoteTab_Setup.exe \WVGISTC == Most of these WVGISTC-created files should be self-explanatory. Contact us with any questions. IntroSpatialMetadata_brief.doc IntroSpatialMetadata_brief.pdf \moreSamples BLANK_METADATA.doc metadata_WVGIS_Template.rtf metadata_WVGIS_Template.txt wv_tax_districts_24k_utm83.html wv_tax_districts_24k_utm83.txt onlineMetadataLinks.htm == Links to the FGDC and other important sources for information regarding the creation of metadata and metadata training. wv_tax_districts_24k_utm83.html wv_tax_districts_24k_utm83.sgml wv_tax_districts_24k_utm83.txt wv_tax_districts_24k_utm83.xml == Sample WVGISTC created metadata