Conference Date and Location
The conference will be held on Monday, May10th through Friday, May 14th, 2004 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, mainly in room G21 White Hall at West Virginia University, in Morgantown, WV. Directions to White Hall are available here.

Limited pay parking is available in the Mountainlair Parking garage and metered lots around White Hall. This conference is scheduled for a week when the University classes are not in session and parking should be relatively available.
Some local hotels:
Clarion Hotel Morgan (approximately 10 minute walk to White Hall)
Please request the WV State GIS Conference Rate of $69, parking included, walking distance to conference
127 High Street
(304) 292-8200
Radisson Hotel at Waterfront Place (approximately 20 minute walk to White Hall)
2 Waterfront Place
(304) 296-1700
Ramada Inn
Rt. 119 South & I-68
(304) 296-3431
Hampton Inn Hotel
1053 VanVoorhis Road
(304) 599-1200
Holiday Inn*
1400 Saratoga Avenue
*Have offered at rate of $59.00/night and free shuttle. Call for details and mention the GIS Conference and Workshops.