Conference News
Download President Hardesty's opening remarks (page 1)(page 2)
The 2006 West Virginia GIS Forum and Workshops will be held from May 15th to the 19th, 2006 in Morgantown, WV and will feature hands on training, workshops, presentations and notable speakers Gary R. Harp, Director of Kentucky’s Division of Geographic Information (DGI) and Professor Sean Ahearn of Hunter College of the City University of New York. It is sponsored by the West Virginia GIS Technical Center and West Virginia Geologic and Economic Survey.
The conference provides a forum for users of geographic information systems in West Virginia and Appalachia. This year's conference will be a celebration of "10 years of GIS in the Mountain State". 2006 marks the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the West Virginia State GIS Program. Past conferences have featured presentations and keynote addresses on a variety of topics, from resource and environmental management to internet mapping and other emerging spatial science applications.
Promotional Flyer
Press Release