Annual Reports

Projects and Activities 2024

Executive Summary

The West Virginia GIS Technical Center, located in the Department of Geology and Geography, West Virginia University, provides focus, direction, statewide coordination, and leadership to users of geographic information systems (GIS), digital mapping and remote sensing within the state of West Virginia. The Center was established by Executive Order 4-93 to provide coordination and technical support in the development and operation of geographic information systems (GIS) for the state. Statewide geospatial activities are coordinated through the WV Office of GIS Coordination, WV Geological and Economic Survey.

State GIS Clearinghouse: Serves critical spatial data to state users via the State GIS Clearinghouse. The Center currently provides nearly 200 TB of storage space in a virtualized environment configured to maximize availability and access. The system must have a large capacity to allow for downloading large datasets, such as such as LiDAR-derived digital elevation data, high spatial resolution aerial imagery, and base maps.

GIS Data Development: Plays a crucial role in not only serving critical spatial data to state users but in updating and integrating local geospatial data within state and national geospatial databases. These data layers are utilized by state agencies, communities, and the public for applications that include emergency response, risk assessments, economic development, energy resource exploitation and management, transportation, natural resources, community planning, tax assessments, real estate appraisals, health studies, and election management. For example, the Center updates statewide mapping data layers (tax parcels, E-911 addresses, political and public boundaries, aerial imagery, elevation data, etc.) that support the various critical infrastructure sectors like broadband, water, sewer, transportation, and flood mitigation.

During this reporting cycle, the Center partnered with other stakeholders in developing the WV Flood Resiliency Framework (, a virtual hub of risk assessment, visualization, planning, and training resources for building community flood resiliency in West Virginia. In the future, the Center plans on modernizing the State GIS Clearinghouse.

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Cant find the data you need?
Contact Kurt Donaldson

Website problems?
Contact Yibing Han

All other questions:
Contact Kurt Donaldson

Mailing Address
WV GIS Technical Center
WVU Department of Geology & Geography
330 Brooks Hall
P.O. Box 6300
Morgantown, WV 26506

Phone: (304) 293-0557
Fax: (304) 293-6522